Meaning of (असरदार , अत्यधिक् ,भरपुर ,उग्रे) atyadhik,bharapur,ugre,asaradar,atyadhik,bharapur,ugre in english

As adjective :
drastic Ex:  I have already finished two revisions of my notes.
The government policies are currently undergoing drastic revision.
Suggested : acting with force or violence violent
Exampleअसरदार , अत्यधिक् ,भरपुर ,उग्रे का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(असरदार , अत्यधिक् ,भरपुर ,उग्रे) atyadhik,bharapur,ugre,asaradar,atyadhik,bharapur,ugre can be used as adjective.. No of characters: 31 including vowels consonants matras. Transliteration : asaradaara , atyadhik ,bharapura ,ugre

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